Nov 24, 2023

You’re driving along at night, then your headlights start to flicker. Oh no! That’s a sure sign that those headlights aren’t going to last much longer, and you need to get new headlights from your Chevy dealer. There are other signs that can let you know the bulbs are going to burn out pretty soon, too.

close of a cars headlights on at night
Image obtained from Pixabay

1. Flickering Lights

As we said above, if your headlights are flickering, then they may stop working completely soon. Avoid driving in low visibility conditions after you experience headlight flickering, even if it was just a small flicker. The problem could get worse quickly.

When you arrive at the dealer, the mechanic may want to check your car for an electrical issue, too. Sometimes, problems with your battery or other parts of the electrical system can make the headlights flicker.

2. Dim Lights

Your headlights will get dimmer over time. The dimming usually won’t be noticeable for a few years, but you should visit the dealer as soon as you notice it. The headlights may get gradually dimmer until they stop working, or they could stop working suddenly after just a small amount of dimming.

Like with flickering lights, dim lights can also be caused by an electrical issue. Your mechanic will probably want to rule that out before replacing the headlights.

3. Hazy Lights

A few different things can make the light emitting from your headlights hazy. Sometimes UV rays, dirt, and debris can impact the headlight casing and cause the lights to become dim. However, the haziness might also be caused by your headlights getting old. Sometimes yellowness accompanies the haziness, too.

4. Dead Lights

Have you ever tried to turn on a light in your home and found the bulb simply won’t turn on, and there was no warning that the bulb was going to burn out? That can happen with your headlights, too. You might find your headlights just won’t turn on when you try to activate them. It might be because the headlights have totally burned out, but it can sometimes be caused by an electrical issue.

5. Uneven Lights

The problems we talked about above won’t always impact both headlights at once. You might notice one light is dimmer than the other, one of the lights is flickering, or one of the lights is totally dead. The other one will start having problems pretty soon, too, so you need to get to the dealer to get both of them replaced at the same time.

Come to Golf Mill Chevrolet any time you need one of your exterior lights replaced. We’ll get the problem fixed for you, and soon you’ll be able to drive in the dark once again.