Oct 29, 2021

Every Chevrolet, whether it is brand-new or pre-owned, will come with a service schedule. In most cases, this includes an annual maintenance appointment as well as some additional milestones. To keep your car safe on the road, save money on expensive maintenance, and keep the vehicle in great condition, you should always stick to this Chevy service schedule. The best place to go is your local Niles, IL Chevy dealer.

1. Your Chevy Dealer Will Help Keep Your Car Safe 

Arguably the most important reason why you need to keep up with your maintenance schedule is that this keeps your car safe. Accidents caused by faulty vehicles are very common in the US, and most of them would have been preventable. To make sure you’re not involved in such an incident, you should opt for regular service at the dealership.

In addition to keeping you, your passengers, and other road users safe, proper service can also prevent annoying and time-consuming incidents. For example, cars are much less likely to break down on the road if they are properly maintained. To avoid problems that could cost you a lot of valuable time, check the recommended service milestones in your Chevy handbook and then call the dealership to book an appointment.

2. You Can Save a Lot of Money 

Many drivers are looking to save some money, especially in the current challenging economic times. But skipping your annual service appointment is a false economy because it can lead to much more extensive damage later on. Your mechanic is trained to spot even small issues in your Chevy, and by fixing them early, they can help you to prevent the problem from getting larger.

In many cases, spotting a default when it first starts means that it can be fixed, so you won’t have to purchase a brand-new part and pay for its installation. This is particularly true when the issue is caused by wrong fluid levels, deteriorated quality of your oil, or debris blocking one of your vehicle’s systems. It’s much simpler to eliminate such problems than to deal with the damage done if they are not addressed.

3. Your Car Will Remain in Great Condition 

Most Chevy drivers are looking to replace their car in a few years, either because their personal situation has changed or because they are eager to get an upgrade. But if you don’t look after your car properly, it will quickly lose most of its value, and you might not be able to trade it in for very much money. By taking great care of it and adhering to the service schedule, you’ll benefit from a high resale price later on. 

There are many reasons why regular Chevy maintenance is a good idea. Fortunately, it’s not easy to find excellent mechanics who will repair your vehicle quickly and accurately. Call or email us now at Golf Mill Chevrolet and book your first appointment. We can help you to assess your car’s current condition and suggest what you should do to achieve maximum safety and resale value. Image by Pixabay